The Perfect Skirt for Your Body!

We all know the right clothes make us look our best.  Having the correct fit can take off 10 or more pounds.  The wrong fit… well let’s not go there.  Here is a great article we found in Glamour Magazine on the right skirt for your body type.  Great skirts for pear – shaped, petite, plus – size and boy – shaped.  No matter what shape, armed with the right information we can look our best!

Nola Handle Bag Seen in O Magazine!

Check  out this great bag seen in the April issue of O Magazine! What a great find at a fabulous price.  Nautrally some of the colors are on back order thanks to O, but this one is worth the wait!

The Best Jeans for Your Body!


Can we ever get enough tips and tricks for finding that perfect pair of jeans?  My answer is no.  Every woman’s closet should have 2 great fitting pairs of jeans, 1 dress pair and 1 casual pair. These are essential wardrobe items! Our Book Achievable Fashion – Effortless Fashion for Real Women, lists these as 2 pieces of the Achievable Fashion Basic Classic Wardrobe.

We all know how frustrating finding these jeans can be. Who hasn’t been in the dressing room sweating, doing what I call the try on aerobics.  One size 10 on can’t get over the knees, one size 10 off.  Another size 10 on, we can swim in them, another size 10 off!  (You know this drill.) Let’s not forget how lovely the florescent lights make us look! So, in an effort to make your jean shopping journey slightly less horrid, we are sharing this article from Good Housekeeping magazine. Armed with a few more tips has to help!